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FUNDACION UNIDAD DE VINCULACION TECNOLOGICA CORDOBA - UVITEC was established by the three most representative institutions in the Cordobese business sector: the Córdoba Exchange, the Chamber of Foreign Trade of Córdoba and the Córdoba Industrial Union. Its goal is to foster innovation and the technological development of companies in the region, and strengthen relationships with the technological-scientific system. UVITEC has been working within the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation since 2008, as the Technological Connection Unit recognized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the Nation. As such, it has brought together the demands of the productive sector with the technological-scientific actors capable of providing answers to such needs. Now, UVITECT has become a space that fosters the generation, adoption and transference of knowledge to the productive sector, thus enabling the development of innovation, the improvement in the productive processes of local companies, and the emergence and consolidation of various technological businesses.


Web Page: uvit ...see web
Postal Code: X5000
Address: Av. La Voz del Interior 7000, Ciudad Empresaria, Coworking. CORDOBA (CAPITAL)
Phone: +54 (9351)3273417
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